Aphrodite's Child [1972] 666

[01] The System
[02] Babylon
[03] Loud, Loud, Loud
[04] The Four Horsemen
[05] The Lamb
[06] The Seventh Seal
[07] Aegian Sea
[08] Seven Bowls
[09] The Wakening Beast
[10] Lament
[11] The Marching Beast
[12] The Battle Of The Locusts
[13] Do It
[14] Tribulation
[16] Ofis
[17] Seven Trumpets
[18] Altamont
[19] The Wedding Of The Lamb
[20] The Capture Of The Beast
[21] 8 (Eternity)
[22] Hic And Nunc
[23] All The Seats Were Occupied
[24] Break

amg: An amazingly bombastic concept album about the Apocalypse of St. John seen as a rock spectacle. Demis Roussos wails the lyrics in a frantically operatic falsetto, while the band pound fiercely through Vangelis' furiously complex music. It certainly has its moments, but the entire set eventually becomes too overwhelming to sit through.
(amg 9/10)